Preventing Post-Operative “Blood Clots”

The general public knows pulmonary emboli as "blood clots to the lungs". This rare occurrence starts with venous blood clotting in the legs or pelvic region. The clotted blood then can travel to the lungs where it can affect a significant portion of the lungs ability to oxygenate the body. There are multiple causes for this condition and one of them is the... read more »

The Boardroom Look: A Quick Neck Lift for Men and Women

As a follow up to the  recent tummy tuck post, another procedure that is not limited to women is the neck lift. The discussion is about the various methods to improve the neck other than the traditional surgical method associated with a face lift. The clean, well-defined, almost chiseled, neck/chin profile is sought after in the boardroom setting as an expression of vigor, youth, and leadership qualities.... read more »

Mastopexy : Rejuvenation of the Breast: a Real Lift

As people age breast droop occurs to a varying degree. Whether implants are present or not this phenomena occurs. Over the years I have noticed a trend where younger women prefer implants while the breasts are still "perky" and then over time the need for lift of the original breast is needed. Many times people opt for implant removal, being... read more »

Who’s Afraid of Anesthesia?

Most in-depth surgical procedures require some form of anesthetic for comfort and patient relaxation so that the surgeon can concentrate on the work at hand. The recent interest in "natural" processes has given the public a false sense that "sedation" anesthesia is more conducive to the normal state of being and that breathing for one's own is safer than general anesthesia.... read more »

Laser Resurfacing Revisited

One of the most important and effective adjuvant treatments available for enhancing facial aesthetic surgery has over the past several years received a "bum rap"! Ablative facial resurfacing has fallen out of favor despite its obvious success in smoothing out the skin because of its initial applications. The procedure would laser the skin very very deep which would cause a very... read more »

Blepharoplasty (Eyelid Rejuvenation): 5 Details to Know

In my years of providing aesthetic facial improvements the one procedure that everyone wonders about but knows little is "eyelid surgery". Many legends of misunderstanding have existed and I decided that a quick overview may give more insight. Obviously a personal consultation with a board certified plastic surgeon is needed to address individual anatomy. Five important aspects to consider: Blepharoplasty... read more »

Abdominoplasty: 5 Factors To Consider

For a "happy" result in the surgery known as "tummy tuck" one must consider a number of important factors and be honest with oneself. The procedure is very rewarding as long as venturing into it is not taken lightly. Here are some important aspects to consider. Height and Weight. The results of the procedure depend on the size of the person... read more »

Vaginal Rejuvenation: Labioplasty

With recent style changes, both in clothing and personal appearance, women are more aware of their vulvar anatomy. Labioplasty or nymphectomy has become acceptable and popular. The procedure reduces the size and droopiness of the labia minora. The condition is not just the result of aging but can occur in young women as well. The surgery not only helps with the appearance but also... read more »

Plunging Necklines

In the aftermath of the Academy Awards where fashion rules the day (and night) it is clear that exposed décolletages and dresses with plunging necklines are and will continue to be the rage. To best suit this perennial style of grace one may wish to consider a breast lift that provides subtle but definite fullness to the upper breast. With... read more »

Are The Results Permanent?

Many times after discussing a procedure or surgery I am asked if the results are permanent! I know full well what the person means but I can't help myself asking back "are you permanent?". I apologize and explain that almost every esthetic procedure improves the appearance AND sets the time clock back. The clock continues to tick but the overall result... read more »