Many people think that large breasts are a positive attribute. However, excessively large breasts can lead to chronic problems such as back, neck, and shoulder pains. These problems are found in men as well as women. Men who have large breasts may also be embarrassed or self-conscious about their problem. These problems can be reduced or eliminated through breast reduction surgery at The Office of Dr. Leon Goldstein.

Our talented plastic surgeon can remove excess fat, tissue, and skin from around the breasts of both men and women to restore the breasts to a more natural look and feel, and to reduce the pain and other problems associated with overly large breasts.

Many women who undergo breast reduction surgery choose to undergo a breast lift at the same time. This combination of cosmetic procedures can leave you with young, healthy, natural looking breasts while relieving you of the constant pain and soreness brought on by overly large breasts.

To learn more about breast reduction surgery in Madison, Connecticut, and Providence, Rhode Island, and to schedule your confidential consultation with Dr. Leon Goldstein, we invite you to call us at 203-245-0350. To respect our patients’ privacy, photos of actual pre- and post- operative patients will be shown at the consultation.