Facial Make-up: A Plastic Surgeon’s Point of View

Make-up for women has been around since the days of the pharaohs. It is used to enhance the beauty of the face, hide "blemishes" and in general look more "presentable". I have always been surprised and even performed a " double take" when I see my patients for the first time without make-up. Most look at least 10 years younger!... read more »

Health Related “Buzz” Words

The United States leads the world in law suits,entertainment, and marketing. This installment deals with the last endeavor. We are inundated with the latest popular phrases (crazes) such as "gluten free", "organic", "free range", "immunity blend", "immune system support", "contains vitamins", and of course "stem cell". These are but a few of the many buzz words that the consumer encounters with the... read more »

What’s in a Title?

Lately a trend has developed to group everybody involved with patient care under the title "Provider". While this is all nice and lends a feeling of esprit de corps as well as equality, the final arbiter and decision maker is the physician. The responsibility ultimately lies with the doctor. As it should. Many years of training and learning takes place before the... read more »

The Charlie Sheen Quandary

We have watched, heard and read all types of Charlie Sheen stories; most as a source of amusement and entertainment. The media has exploited the man and we have allowed it, without any objection from any corner of the globe. The argument goes that the man allows and invites public scrutiny/abuse by encouraging conversations/bouts with the media. What if Mr.... read more »

Urban Legends II: Fiction as Truth

Approximately 3 years ago I mentioned how a "general knowledge"  erroneous statement about breast implants pervaded the Internet. This urban legend that implants need to be exchanged after 10 years just will not go away, no matter how many facts and the truth are published.Perhaps the origin of this misinformation stems from several clinical papers published 8-10 years ago reporting that saline implants showed... read more »

Everyone is a Plastic Surgeon!

I have already tried to warn the public about less than scrupulous physicians, not board certified in plastic surgery, who parade themselves as "cosmetic/plastic surgeons". On a lighter note (and hopefully less dangerous public safety issue) it has become quite apparent to me that many of my patients report advise they have obtained from their friends, neighbors, colleagues and relatives.... read more »

Freedom in the USA

A large part of plastic surgery encompasses cosmetic procedures. Cosmetic surgery has come under attack recently in many different ways, but one particular editorial stands out as the most misguided effort yet. A very young woman felt it necessary to declare that cosmetic treatments should be declared illegal so that she does not have to feel the need to compete... read more »

Everybody on the Bus!

Recently a fax came to my office offering a 2 day course in establishing and running a cosmetic practice featuring no less than eighteen (18) procedures! The course involves lasers, Botox, fillers, pulsed light (whatever that really does), needle free mesotherapy and.... how to market the practice. Wow, that is a lot to learn in two days especially since the... read more »

A Money Saving Solution to Health Care Costs

I took a short break from blogging due to a busy schedule trying to keep pace with our economy and people's needs. Present concerns of most people centers around health care reform. We cannot have real reform without tort reform. The health care crisis comes down to lack of insurance for some people. Aside from those who do not choose... read more »

The Tom Brady Debacle

Apparently a great deal of space, ink and blame has been devoted by the media on Tom Brady's knee surgery and resultant complications. The fault finding is aimed at physicians that did their best to help another person. Their well meaning intentions as well as expertise unfortunately did not produce the expected result. This is due to a well known... read more »