Fat Transfer Facial Rejuvenation Can Help Reduce Visible Signs of Skin Aging

The natural aging process brings on a multitude of changes in the human body, which also includes decreased exfoliation in the skin and reduced collagen production in the deeper layers of the dermis. As skin aging continues to advance your face can lose its once youthful tightness and tone, which can also cause wrinkles to develop and deepen. Fortunately, there... read more »

Hair Transplants Can Restore Your Youthful Hairline

As you grow older genetic factors and changes in your hormones can lead to the gradual loss of hair follicles on your head. In general, individuals who experience hair loss when they are young are more likely to lose a significant amount of hair as they grow older. While baldness is certainly more common among men, women can also experience... read more »

BOTOX® Can Help Minimize Forehead Wrinkles

As the years go by decreased collagen production in the deeper dermal layers of your face, as well as repetitive facial expressions can lead to the development of fine lines and wrinkles. For some individuals, this natural process of skin aging can be pronounced on the forehead and brow ridge. If you have been struggling to deal with the appearance... read more »

Eyelid Surgery to Improve Drooping Eyelids

The immortal bard William Shakespeare once said that the eyes are the window to your soul. This sentiment can mean many things to different people. However, drooping eyelids and other cosmetic imperfections around the eyes can have a profound effect on the appearance of your face and your sense of self-image. Here at the Coastal Plastic Surgery Center our plastic... read more »

A Facelift Can Help Address Sagging Facial Skin

As you grow older, your skin can start to lose some of its youthful elasticity. As dermal collagen production slows, this natural process, known as skin aging, can cause fine lines and wrinkles to develop on your face. This often occurs in conjunction with sallow or sagging facial skin. In more advanced cases of skin aging, stimulating exfoliation with retinol... read more »

A Breast Lift Can Restore Your Youthful Bustline

Time, gravity and body composition changes can sometimes join forces to alter the shape, size and profile of your breasts. This can cause breast tissues to sag and the areola to change shape, potentially leading to stretch marks on the skin. If you are unhappy with the appearance of your breasts or the profile of your bustline, you should consider... read more »

Facts About Fat Grafting

There is much talk, interest and activity surrounding the relocation of fat from one part of the body to another for the purposes of augmentation either of the buttock or the breast. The popular phrase is "fat transfer," but a more realistic name for this procedure is fat grafting. "Transfer"sounds like a complete process, such as moving all the furniture... read more »

Laser Resurfacing Can Help Minimize a Scar’s Appearance

Significant burns, old wounds, irregular lacerations, and cuts that become infected before healing can sometimes develop a scar. While some scars naturally reduce in appearance with age, many remain. If the dermal aberration is in a highly visible location can have a negative impact on your self-image and self-confidence.   In a scenario such as this, you should consider setting... read more »

Electronic Medical Records: Great Capability With Poor Adaptability

Medical records were intended to present the clinical care , progress, and thought process in treating patients. With the computer a new level of clear (legible and organized) documentation became possible. This in the light of ever increasing liability in every sector of our society has made the EMR the pinnacle of protection for medical institutions. The administrative goal of... read more »

A Highly Visible Wart Might Need to Be Professionally Excised

Warts differ from moles, in that they are caused by a keratin virus. The body’s natural reaction to the microbial invader causes a buildup of hard keratin from deep within the dermal layers. While this is rarely painful, it can prove to be cosmetically embarrassing. If you have a wart on a highly visible part of your body, and you... read more »