I Go To Spas Because I Don’t Want Surgery

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Its all well and good as long as it is clearly understood that spas and surgery are not equal. One is not a direct substitute for the other. Spas, including those with “medical” in their title, offer temporizing procedures that obviously require repeat treatments that may cost as much or more than a more definitive solution via cosmetic surgery. Some spa procedures are just as invasive as the perceived onslaught by surgery. Chemical peels for example cause burns as their method of treatment; the burn level and resultant recovery depends on the product  used, concentration, exposure time and technique. Injections of fillers or neuromuscular blockers are also invasive. Other services offer very temporary results whose main effect is to make one feel good….for an hour or two.

The qualification of the staff at the spa should be understood as a variable that differs from state to state and does not have the consistent nation- wide standard of surgeons. One method is temporary and the other more definitive and long lasting. The choice should be made for the right reasons and expectations.