Cosmetic Surgery Can Enhance Your Facial Appearance To Put Your Best Face Forward

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Putting your best face forward is made possible with the help of plastic surgery that carefully reshapes the structures in your head and neck, usually the nose, ears, chin, cheekbones, or neckline. You might want this surgery for various reasons, including getting facial reconstruction after experiencing an injury, disease, or even an inherited genetic feature.

Facial surgery, also called rhytidectomy, can turn back the hands of time from the effects of aging or simply by making slight improvements to your features by repositioning or removing skin, fat, and muscle. This month’s blog focuses on facial cosmetic improvements that can improve your body positivity and give you the self-confidence you need for a better quality of life!

Facelift Options

  • Traditional facelift: Taking out excess fat and skin as well as tightening muscles and other structures around your ears, hairline, neck, and jowls as needed.
  • SMAS facelift: Involves the muscular layer of your face and is done on the lower two-thirds of your face, tightening the muscle, and trimming excess skin and fat in your cheeks and lower face.
  • Deep plane facelift: Focuses on the muscular layer of your face, fat, and skin as one single unit, addressing several areas of your face at one time.
  • Mid-facelift: Targets the cheek area of your face, repositioning the fat and tightening the skin in that area.
  • Mini-facelift: Lifts your lower face and neck area and is often done if you are younger and are only showing the early signs of facial sagging.
  • Cutaneous (skin) facelift: Targets only your skin on the neck and lower face.

Other Facial Enhancements

  • Rhinoplasty: Improves the look of your nose so it appears more balanced and harmonious in your face. This is done by fixing nasal deformities, injuries, nose size, nasal width, bridge angle and even the shape of the nose tip.
  • Blepharoplasty: Adjusts your upper and lower eyelids so you look fresh and revitalized. We can remove undereye bags, unsightly wrinkles around the eyes, sagging eyelids, and more so your eyes stand out.
  • Brow lift: Fixes forehead wrinkles and sagging brows. We lift the brows and tighten forehead tissues so the area looks smoother and younger.
  • Laser skin resurfacing: Using laser technology, we can rejuvenate the skin by safely heating and breaking down the damaged outer layer of the skin so your body can have newer, younger skin cells. You’ll look younger without unsightly age spots, pigmentation, wrinkles, scars and loose skin.
  • Fat grafting: Look more youthful after having a fat graft done to remove fatty deposits from one area of your body (via liposuction) and then purified before being reinjected in your face so your skin looks smoother with fewer wrinkles. It effectively corrects droopy eyes and cheeks.
  • Facial implants: Placing implants enhances your facial structure so it has a better definition. Implants can be placed in the chin, cheeks and jaws to permanently improve your facial contours.
  • Lip augmentation: Surgically enhance lips’ shape and fullness so they look bigger, smoother, bolder, and nicely lifted.

Cosmetic Consultation

What can you look forward to after facial cosmetic treatments? Many clients report feeling better about themselves, with a much-needed boost in self-confidence that contributes to overall happiness. Clients are often unhappy about some aspects of their appearance, so if you have changes you would like to make, we are here to make that happen for you.

If you want to look and feel your best, we invite you to give us a call to schedule a consultation. There are a variety of cosmetic improvement options available to help you regain your confident self!